Entrepreneur Insights - DR POOJA ARORA Nutritionist and Healthcare Consultant

DR. POOJA ARORA IS ON A MISSION TO SPREAD THE MAGIC OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. She says, the strong will to eliminate the root cause of health issues has led her to leave her settled profession of being a doctor to diverse her career to a nutritionist. For her diet is all about Diet- Eating Right+ Leading Healthy Lifestyle.

Dr. Pooja Arora worked for 8-10 years with some renowned hospitals. While practicing medicine she realized that medicine is secondary, she needs to treat to end the cause first. She believes that a doctor should concentrate on improving the ill lifestyle of people. That is when she left her well-settled career and started to pursue several nutrition-related courses and gradually shifted her profession to a nutritionist. She is holding ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) & IHFA (International Health & Fitness Association) Certifications in Sports Nutrition.

About the Organization

Giving a healthy lifestyle is the main goal of Dr. Pooja Arora’s clinic. The clinic has been running for the last 5 years year 2017. All the staffs are well-trained to follow the guidelines and provide personal attention to each client. The staffs inspire the clients to lead a better lifestyle with a healthy diet plan.

Recently we got to interact with Dr. Pooja Arora and know her story in her version:

What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome ?

The main challenge that I faced was breaking the notions of weight loss. People mostly look for overnight recipes to lose weight. Educating people was a huge task. But now I can boastfully say that people who have approached me got better results by following my guidance. Dieting is not about only losing excess weight, it’s about being healthy and treating your body with all required vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. My main goal is to transform the lifestyle of my client, where he/she possess a good physique, glowing skin, sufficient sleep and has great mental state. In short, all that gives them the confidence to lead a happy life.

What style did you adopt ?

The style that I adopted is providing a customized diet plan that one can follow for his/her entire lifetime. And here diet includes food, exercise, daily routine, sleep pattern, etc. So, the rule that I follow is not to keep any set pattern. My first step while treating a client/patient is to understand their behavior, their mindset, and their capability to control their cravings and follow a strict regime. Based on that I suggest them a sustainable diet plan which they carry for their whole life.

What does revolution mean to you ?

For me, revolution is transforming the mindset of people from the age-old notions of dieting while starving or depriving themselves of good food and controlling their taste buds. Another aspect is also there where people get cautious and run to the nutritionists when they get some health alarms due to any disorders. But this should not be the case, the revolution will occur when people will start caring for themselves and maintain a healthy lifestyle from the beginning and thus can inherit the same among their children.

How has the industry changed over the years?

There are 2 sets of industries, one is endangering the lives of people and the other is the saviour. The harmful one is the food industry rigorously introducing tasty as well as unhealthy junk food. These food items include various kinds of Carcinogens. Whereas, the fitness and health industry are acting as the saviours. They are constantly working towards developing a healthy lifestyle for people.

Tell us about The client base.

Time has changed, and now people are getting conscious and trying to have a better healthy lifestyle, so in that case, we are lucky to have such a set of clients who are already educated and thus come to us to maintain a healthy diet. But there are also such a set of people who ignore their health until they get some major health issues. The lazy sect of people believes in popping medicines rather than pushing themselves hard towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Now, we are targeting these people through several health-related educational campaigns. We are lucky to transform thousands of lives and, now we are progressing towards increasing our success number.

When it comes to the company, what are you most proud of?

We are proud of the system that we are following towards educating people to maintain good health. We ensure strict follow-ups regularly so that clients do not face any issues while following the diet regime. And we feel proud that we have a satisfied customer base who have obtained a transformed life by following our diet program.

What do you do when you are not at work?

I love to spend my time in the lap of nature. When I am not at work, I go out and take a stroll at the riverside and beach area. It gives me immense pleasure and calms down my body and soul.

What is the best advice you can give to our readers?

Losing excess weight must be one criterion of maintaining good health, so one must target towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle which includes a well-nutritional wholesome diet, good sleep, proper exercise.

Entrepreneur Insights

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