Private Sector Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Apart from expanding its branch network, during the current financial year, a top official said it will focus on strengthening its exposure to the digital platform. Tamil Nadu based bank’s Managing Director and CEO S krishnan The recently assumed charge said that retail, agriculture and micro, small and medium enterprises (to hit) segments will be the focus areas as this vertical comprises 88 per cent of the bank’s exposure.

“In the retail sector, I will focus on home loans and vehicle loans,” he told reporters.

“We have raised around Rs 850 crore and our immediate focus will be on RAM segment. I will focus more on physical – more focus on digital..,” he said.

On the bank’s shares which started on a sluggish start in the market on Thursday, Krishnan said, “Today it is a start and it all depends on the market conditions… My initial view is that we are good. I hope more in this.” Will speed up. In the coming days.”

Shares of Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank started a muted market and fell nearly 3 per cent against its issue price of Rs 510 on NSE.

On the NSE, the stock made its debut at Rs 495, 2.94 per cent lower than the issue price.

When asked about the promoters’ stake after the company’s initial public offering, Krishnan said, “It is a professionally managed company and there is no promoter (right now). All conventions and legacy (of the bank) will be followed.” ”

On his vision, Krishnan said, “I want to promote this bank as a strong medium sized bank.”

Krishnan took over as the MD and CEO of the bank on 5 September KV Rama Murthy, His term of office shall be for a period of three years, approved by reserve Bank of India,

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