National Pension System Customers currently deposit their voluntary contributions in their account under D-Remit NPS Tier I/II Accounts from Net Banking Channel of your Bank Savings Account using IMPS/NEFT/RTGS. The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has now enabled the submission of such contributions through UPI to further ease the deposit process, as per a circular issued on August 12, 2022. The UPI handle for D Remit is PFRDA.15digitVirtualAccount@axisbank.

Subscribers should note that the De Remit Virtual Account is different from the associated Permanent Account Number (PRAN) and starts with either 6001 or 6002. De Remit Virtual Account Number is also different for Tier I and II NPS accounts.

Under de-remit, contributions received by the Trustee Bank (TB) before 09:30 AM will be considered for investment on the same day. Contribution received after 09:30 AM will be considered for investment on the next investment day as per the guidelines.

UPI contribution will be refunded at source bank account Number of subscriber as per NPCI norms.

a. Since the minimum value of contribution under de-remit is required to be equal to or more than Rs 500, those UPI based contributions which are less than Rs 500/- will be refunded by the trustee bank.

B. Contribution received for PRAN which is frozen/inoperative will be refunded by TB after receipt of confirmation from the Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) concerned.

c. Contributions transferred by the Subscribers by entering any incorrect Virtual Account Number will be refunded as per the banking norms issued by RBI.

De-remit contribution process in the form of the following benefits: Same day investment/NAV; Facility to set up periodic auto debits like monthly, quarterly, half yearly etc.; Option for one-time or regular contribution; Ease of modifying the amount/periodic auto debit; Enable/Stop Auto Debit as per convenience; Optimization of investment returns through standing instructions and rupee cost averaging; Long term retirement wealth creation etc.

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