credit-deposit ratio For metropolitan branches It stood at 82.8 per cent in September, up from 88.4 per cent a year ago, reflecting the fact that deposit collection outpaced credit growth. All India Debt-Deposit Ratio It fell from 72 percent to 70 percent in the same period.
However, bank deposit growth slowed slightly to 10.1 per cent in September from 11 per cent a year ago. Part of current account and savings account (House) The amount of deposits in the total deposits is increasing gradually and it was 44.3 percent in September 2021.
Private sector banks reported a year-on-year growth of 10.9 per cent and 16 per cent, respectively, in credit and deposits in September. Similarly, the growth rates of public sector banks were much lower at 3.7 per cent and 7.4 per cent respectively.