Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Limited Said veteran banker Krishnan on Sunday Sankarasubramaniam has assumed the office of its Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect. Sankarasubramaniam will replace KV Rama Murthy and his term will be for a period of three years, which has been approved by the government. reserve Bank of India,

Before taking on the new role, Sankarasubramaniam was serving

as its managing director and CEO, a bank statement said.

During his tenure at Punjab & Sind Bank, he was instrumental in the turnaround of the bank, due to which it recorded the highest ever profit in 2021-22.

A post graduate in commerce from Madurai Kamaraj University and a qualified cost accountant, Sankarasubramaniam had served Syndicate Bank Prior to joining Punjab & Sind Bank as its Executive Director.

As Executive Director in Syndicate Bank, he was looking after almost all the departments of the Bank especially Corporate Credit, Integrated Treasury, Risk Management, Compliance apart from HR.

In his career spanning over three decades, Sankarasubramaniam specialized in all major areas of banking. He led various areas including risk management, information systems security, human resources, the statement said.

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