Till six months ago, as per SEBI norms, the value of these different portfolios was zero. But in March, after “a series of positive developments around Vodafone Idea Ltd”, the prices were revised down to minus 35%. The segregated portfolio was assigned the NAV on March 2, which in turn reflects the value in the individual portfolio of the investors.
In the six months since March 2, individual portfolios have risen 5.84 per cent. On Friday, following an influx of interest, they increased by 20%. Considering that the portfolio is valued at 35%, there is still a lot left to do. If all goes well and Vodafone Idea pays the principle and interest when the bonds mature in September 2023, investors holding these portfolios can expect it to be worth around 180 per cent of their current value.
While the developments around Vodafone Idea bonds have brought a sigh of relief to investors, there is no update on the other side pockets who hold additional tier-1 bonds. A total of Rs 3,400 crore has been invested by mutual funds in these bonds, including Nippon Mutual Fund (Rs 2,500 crore), Franklin Templeton (Rs 590 crore), UTI Mutual Fund (Rs 370 crore) and Kotak Mutual Fund (Rs 130 crore). ) Are included.