Housing Development Finance Corporation (either HDFC) has revised the fixed deposit (FD) interest rates with effect from June 27, 2022. The company offers a variety of FD Such as special deposit, premium deposit, regular deposit and green deposit. And, two top credit rating agencies have given AAA rating to HDFC’s deposit scheme, the HDFC website said. The company offers FDs ranging from 12 to 120 months. On all deposit products, an additional 0.25 per cent per annum is given to senior citizens aged 60 years or more.

This non-banking financial company (NBFC) Offers options like Monthly Income Scheme, Non-Cumulative Interest Scheme, Annual Income Scheme and Cumulative Option.

green deposit

HDFC has introduced Green and Sustainable Deposit, a product that supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Investors have three deposit options under the green deposit category: special, premium and regular deposits. HDFC currently offers the benefit of a maximum interest rate of 6.95 per cent on special deposits under 2 crores and a maximum interest rate of 6.75 per cent on premium deposits under 2 crores. Whereas the corporation offers maximum interest rate of 6.80% benefit on regular deposits.

Green Deposit – Special Deposit

Green Deposit – Premium Deposit

Green Deposit – Regular Deposit

HDFC FD Interest Rates

Investors have three deposit options namely special, premium and regular deposit.

Specific FD Interest Rates

Premium FD Interest Rates

Regular FD Interest Rates

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