Non-food credit growth of banks jumped to 6.9 per cent in October from 5.2 per cent in the same month last year. reserve Bank of India data shown. Credit to agriculture and allied activities continued to perform well, registering an accelerated growth of 10.2% in October 2021 as compared to 7.2% in October 2020 as per RBI. Sector Wise Deployment of Bank Credit – October 2021 data, released on Tuesday.

Growth in credit to industry accelerated to 4.1% in October 2021, from a contraction of 0.7% in October 2020.

size-wise, credit medium industry A strong growth of 48.6% was registered in October 2021 as compared to 20.8% in the previous year.

Advances to micro and small scale industries increased to 11.9% in October 2021 from 0.7% a year ago. The data shows that credit growth of large industries stood at 0.5% in October 2021, from 1.8% a year ago.

Services credit growth continued to slow down, as it slowed to 2.9% in October, from 8.6% a year earlier.

Personal loans continued to grow at a strong rate of 11.7% in October 2021 as compared to 8.7% in October 2020 mainly on account of housing, vehicle loans and loans against loans gold jewelery, data showed.

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