Every time Shefali’s phone rang, the flow of negative thoughts and the fear of missing another bandh was at its peak. The year was 2021 and India was facing the most dangerous phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: the second wave of the coronavirus.

It was a similar feeling for most of us, whether we had lost a friend, a co-worker, a relative or even our neighbor. But as the world opened up to vaccinations and booster doses, we began to forget the most important lessons the pandemic taught us—the unpredictable nature of life and our responsibility to our loved ones.

For a long time we have been accustomed to believe that finances and succession planning are for old age. And even those who want to make a will while they are still young need to be wealthy enough to do so. This is just a myth.

In simple words, a will is a legal document that states your wishes as to who should get your assets and in what proportion after your death. Anyone can make it at any stage of his life. Having a will not only equates to better estate planning but can also save your family from legal disputes after your demise.

Here are 7 reasons why you should have a will:

  1. Protects family from legal disputes
    Whether you have more than one child or have complicated family dynamics, there’s a good reason to make a will. If you have the slightest doubt that in the absence of a will, your relatives can claim their rights after your death, it is best to remove these uncertainties. Where there is no will, the family may have to guess what your last wishes were. And there is also the possibility that they may not agree, which can lead to conflicts, and even legal battles. Making a will can solve this problem.
  2. better estate planning
    When you write a will, you become a testator and can designate an executor. This is the person who will be in charge of finishing all your affairs in your absence. An executor is responsible for everything from closing bank accounts to liquidating assets. By writing a will you can select the right person who is not only capable but also someone whom you trust to perform these activities. In the case of an executor’s absence in your will, the court will pick one for you and it may not be the person you want.
  3. Separates the beneficiary from the nominee
    A ‘nominee’ is a person who holds the property of the deceased until he has to distribute it to the legal heirs. Whereas ‘Beneficiary’ is a person who will eventually receive the income after your unfortunate death. It is the responsibility of the nominee to distribute the income among the legal heirs. The beneficiary can be either a legal heir or a trust or an organization. A Will helps you clearly define who you want to designate as a beneficiary.
  4. Helps you choose a guardian for minor children and pets
    You can use a power of will to designate a guardian for your minor children. In the event of the death of one of the parents, the surviving parent usually receives sole legal custody. In the case of the death of both parents, the guardian you choose can take care of your children’s daily needs, including food, housing, health care, education, and clothing. This is one of the most important reasons for making a will. In the absence of a will, the local court can choose a guardian for your children. It could mean that someone you didn’t choose may be raising your children
  5. Drops instructions for your digital assets
    Your digital assets can include online social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram or email, and digital files or assets (photos, videos, domain names, etc.). The will gives you the option to name a digital executor to manage these assets after they are passed. If you want to leave these assets to specific people, a will may be the best solution for doing so.

  6. Support a social cause and leave a legacy
    If you have always wanted to leave a positive impact on the society after you are gone, you can do so through a will. When you write a will, you can leave a portion of your assets to a charitable organization to preserve your inheritance. This is a great way to support a social cause you love the most.
  7. Easy to make while remaining stress free
    The notion that your loved ones will automatically inherit may not always be true. Probate can be a lengthy and costly process for your heirs. When you create or update your will, you can take care of your loved ones and give them a handy map to follow after your death. It can bring a sense of certainty and peace of mind, allowing you to remain stress free.

Making a will is not a complicated process. Unless you have a large or particularly complex estate, disputed family dynamics, or feel the need for an expert, you can prepare your will without a lawyer.
Helps you to secure property and future of your loved ones in 3 easy steps. Click to learn how to make a Legally Valid Will Online in an easy, economical and secure way